VOLUME 16, NO. 2, 2024


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Special Issue, 2020

Asean Journal of Open and Distance Learning

Special Issue, 2020

Guest Editor: Prof. Dato' Dr. Mansor Fadzil

Page Title Writer(s)
1-13 Determinants of Work-from-Home Productivity among Higher Education Institution Employees during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia. 1) Zahir Osman
2) Zulaihan Ismail
3) Bibi Nabi Ahmad Khan
4) Noral Hidayah Alwi
14-23 Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Professional Quality of Life and Coping Strategy among Nurses in Thailand 1) Sukaroon Wongtim
2) Boontip Siritarungsri
24-36 Documenting the University of the Philippines Open University’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic through Fora and Webinars 1) Joane V. Serrano
2) Janele Ann C. Belegal
3) Lovelyn P. Petrasanta
37-47 Indirect Relationship among Peer Support, Motivation and Work from Home Productivity of Higher Education Institutions during COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia 1) Bibi Nabi Ahmad Khan
2) Zulaihan Ismail
3) Noral HidayahAlwi
4) Zahir Osman
48-59 The Challenges of Open and Distance Learning in Managing Practicums/Practical Courses during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Universitas Terbuka Case Study 1) Mohamad Yunus
2) Ernik Yuliana
60-73 Relationship between Emotional Stability, Motivation, and Online Learning Skill of First-Year Undergraduates Learning Online During COVID-19 Pandemic 1) Mohd Tajudin Md Ninggal
2) Nor Ezdianie Omar
3) Rohaizak Omar
4) Azleen Ismail
74-81 Do We Have to Be Concerned about Online Teaching Amid COVID-19?: A Lesson Learned from Meta-Analysis of Previous Researches 1) Sungworn Ngudgratoke
2) Tippayaporn Rattanalapho
3) Anusorn Koedsri
4) Nalinee Na Nakorn
5) Kanjana Wattanasuntorn
82-90 Students’ Perceptions towards Using Google Classroom in the Learning Process at Public Secondary Schools In Kuala Lumpur 1) Peter Ong
2) Kunasunthary Duraippah
3) Gurcharan Singh Bishen Singh
91-104 On the perceived impact of online classes brought by the pandemic: Case for Philippine engineering students 1) Joefreim A. Delicano
105-117 Teachers' Readiness to Online Learning: A Pedagogical Perspective 1) Lidwina Sri Ardiasih
2) Audi Yundayani
3) Juhana

Current Issue

VOLUME 16, NO. 2, 2024


The ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning (AJODL) is not affiliated, supported by, nor linked to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). The term ASEAN is used here to refer to the geographical area of specific interest to the AJODL. The AJODL is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of Open and Distance Learning particularly in, but not limited to, ASEAN nations.

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