AJODL is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is published bi-annually in June and December. The journal is currently indexed under the Malaysian Citation Index (MCI) and Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI).
We welcome contributors from all around the world. Interested authors may submit your manuscript any time.
The manuscript submitted must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication in any other format elsewhere. If it is published in this journal, it must not be published elsewhere in the same form or even in any translated form without written consent from Open University Malaysia.
Manuscript Template and Format
The manuscript must be prepared using the attached Microsoft Word template in English (UK). Please download the provided manuscript template and use it to prepare the manuscript. The number of accepted pages is between 6 and 12 pages (excluding References).
The font used must be Garamond 11 pt and single spaced. The manuscript must have the following sections:
(i) Title, (ii) Name of authors with postal and e-mail addresses, (iii) Abstract, (iv) Keywords, (v) Introduction, (vi) Research Objectives, (vii) Literature Review, (viii) Body of text with headers, (ix) Conclusion and(x) Reference.
An acknowledgement section could be added between the conclusion and the reference sections. The references must be cited according to the APA referencing format. All figures (including graphs) and tables must be clearly depicted and labelled.
Please note that failure to comply with the above format and regulations will result in the manuscript not being considered for publication.
Manuscript Submission
Please submit your manuscript using the following link.
You are required to register and create your username and password.